Crystal supporter soft 2 is a toy that will transform your shaft into a stronger penis. It also serves as an aid for erection to support the penis with moderate tension.
You can have more strong penis and enjoy with your partner. It becomes a set of two penis supporters of different shapes. You can choose different stimuli according to your mood.
It fits your penis with a very soft elastomeric material. Normally it is about 2 cm in diameter, but it is a very elongating material so it tightens the penis to a moderate extent.
Of course it is possible to attach to vibrators and dildos etc. in addition to the penis. Familiar toys can also be transformed. When using the penis, we recommend wearing a condom.
Two penis sleeves can provide different pleasurable sensations as each has a different surface. The vibrator cock ring can also provide vibrations during insertion.
Do not store together with toys made of other materials
SEXToys India's Views
If you want to improve premature ejaculation and increase stimulation for your partner, this item is for you. It is transparent, so it won't interfere with the atmosphere of sex.
STI Girl
It also makes it easier for women to achieve orgasm. It can be attached to the penis as well as to insertion sex toys such as dildos and vibrators.
the Crystal supporter soft is transform to my penis into a stronger penis. Its fit my penis with a very soft elastomeric material and provide long time sex. after use this my partner enjoy sex a new feeling. Its two penis supporters of different shapes
provide enhance to stimulation of intercourse. i choose different stimuli according to my parner's mood and enjoy very much.
Reviewed: 2021-06-30
यह उत्पाद एक दम बढ़िया है मेरे पति और मैं वास्तव में ये पसंद करते हैं।यह बहुत मुश्किल हो सकता है क्योंकि ज्यादा चिकनाई का उपयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
Reviewed: 2021-06-09
पहली बार पत्नी और मैंने एक का इस्तेमाल किया, जो उसे बिल्कुल पसंद था। यह नरम है और कुछ की तरह चोट नहीं करता है। बस पर्याप्त लंबाई और एक अच्छा सा बेहतर परिधि देता है।
Reviewed: 2021-05-18
I purchased it for the purpose of stimulating and increase the strength of the penis. It is quite easy to stretch and easy to put on. It texture is amazing. It gives me good result and my wife also enjoys the next texture touch. I loved this penis sleeves. It price is also reasonable to use.
Reviewed: 2021-05-06
the Crystal supporter soft 2 is a toy that is makes stronger to my penis.i used this according different stimuli according to your mood . this is fits my penis with a very soft elastomeric material. this is incrage my penis size and its texture more enjoy the sex to my partner. my partner very happy after this used.
Reviewed: 2021-04-20
The Crystal supporter soft is a toy that will transform my shaft into a stronger penis. after using this I have a more strong penis and enjoy it with my partner. Its two penis supporters of different shapes provide enhance to stimulation of intercourse. I choose different stimuli according to my partner's mood and enjoy it very much.
Reviewed: 2021-03-30
the Crystal supporter soft 2 is a toy that is transformed my shaft into a stronger penis. this is incrage my penis size that is more enjoy the sex to my partner. my partner very happy after this used. i like this.
Reviewed: 2021-03-24
यह उत्पाद अद्भुत है। असली के लिए, यदि आपका लिंग 6 या 7 इंच है, तो यह बहुत मोटा हो जाता है और 2 इंच बढ़ जाता है। प्लास्टिक सिर के प्रति थोड़ा सख्त होता है जो इसे जागृत रखने के लिए उत्कृष्ट है। सभी को यह चीज खरीदनी चाहिए। यह मेरा पसंदीदा है
Reviewed: 2021-03-23
मेरी पत्नी इसको प्यार करती है! यह मेरे मुकाबले काफी लंबा है, इसलिए यह हिट है जहां मैं नहीं कर सकता। इसके अलावा, साइड की दीवारें मुझे लंबे समय तक मदद करने के लिए पर्याप्त मोटी हैं, लेकिन इतनी पतली है कि मैं चरमोत्कर्ष पर हूं और पत्नी के साथ का आनंद ले सकता हूं।
Reviewed: 2021-02-22
I was interested in transparent penis sleeves, so I bought this one. It was smaller than it looked and I think it was a little too tight for my penis. But when I inserted it, she felt much better than usual.
Reviewed: 2020-12-14
I was worried because there was a review that tight, but it was just right for me. Because you this pleasure increases have been very handy. Since the price is not so high, and also hope you to buy broken.
Reviewed: 2020-11-16
I gave to her husband. We are again sent a bright sex life regained the passion by the use of this, but was sexless Gimi. Thanks to sextoys indeia. Thank you very much.
Reviewed: 2020-11-12
At first I thought the sleeves were too small and will be too tight to wear. However, the flexibility and stretch is very good so I was able to easily put on with no problem. My partner enjoys sex even more now with this toy.
Reviewed: 2020-08-26
I did not have confidence in the size of the penis, but now as it is possible to please the partner from getting to like using the Crystal supporter soft 2. It is very nice item. Widely recommended.
Reviewed: 2020-07-13
I am a masturbator. I use first time sex products. When I used the crystal supporter soft, then I fell enjoy masturbation and my masturbation power is increase. i used with lube. I like very much. Its best toy.
Reviewed: 2020-07-09
Due to it being so soft, I wear it easily on the penis. its very compatible my penis. I use with lube. Its increase my sex power and sex timing. My wife is very happy for this products. I like this.
Reviewed: 2020-06-09
I am very happy with it. Because my wife loved it. Its all 3 design is just amazing.
Reviewed: 2020-06-02
I never tried penis sleeves. My friend suggest me this for sex. I used it and my wife loved it. It give her a new feeling. My penis gets better with me.
Reviewed: 2020-05-14
My first penis sleeves is fully covered. It eliminte contact of vagina with penis. I dont like that. Now this open type penis is good for me. It maintain sensitivity.
Reviewed: 2020-05-01
Best quality. Best brand. Totally loved it. 5 star becaue it desired.
Reviewed: 2020-04-16
Thanks for the quick delivery. I want to surprise my gf on his bday with a new feel in sex. she gets so happy. she asks to bring more stuff like this. I am scrolling more sleeves like this now.
Reviewed: 2020-04-08
I used it another two sleeves pack so i immediately purchase it because i know your product get out of stock very soon. I have 4 pieces know and i used all of 4 in one night. my wife loved to use it.
Reviewed: 2020-03-04
I face problem in size. It feels tight on penis. I tried to use it once, but it is so uncomfortable for me to use it. Men please check your penis size and then analyse which one is good for you. Product’s material is awesome.
Reviewed: 2020-01-30
Material is soft and it is very comfortable. Star without an doubt.
Reviewed: 2020-01-28
I heard about penis sleeves to my friend but i never tired it. I want to use it and found reasonable penis sleeves on your site. Thanks for quick deliver in Delhi and i like its usage.
Reviewed: 2019-12-24
मुझे यह पेनिस स्लीव्स २ एक ही पैकेट में मिले तो में इस बात क लिए सेक्स तोय इंडिया क्क शुक्रिया करना चाहता हु और मुझे इसकी पैकेजिंग भी बोहोत पसंद आई।
Reviewed: 2019-12-19
मैं हस्त मैथुन का आदि हु और मुझे ऐसे हस्त मैथुन खिलोने की जरुरत थी जो मेरे लिंग को बहुत ही तेज घर्षण दे सके और मैं तेजी से सेक्स का आनंद ले सकू और फिर मुझे यह कंपनी मिली जहा से मुझे ये सेक्स खिलौना मिला और अब मैं अपने लिंग को बहुत ही अच्छा घर्षण दे पाता हु |
Reviewed: 2019-11-14
I liked its previous series so I am excited to use this new texture too. I got the parcel same duration of 3 days. I am satisfied with this sleeve. Material is also good. I am using it last 2-3 month. Material is same like new open sleeves
Reviewed: 2019-10-21
My sex did not fill my mind once and my peace used to tell me to do more sex but once my chitne bad again my penis would not stand but when I used it, I started enjoying it, now my partner is also happy And always ready for me.
Reviewed: 2019-09-26
I have used many sex toys but got excitement but I get discharged quickly so I ordered this sex toy so that I can get my penis in a way as I use it. This is quite a good sex toy.
मंतोष राजा
Reviewed: 2019-09-04
इसके उपयोग करने से मेरे सेक्स की शक्ति बहुत ही बढ़ चुकी है | यह मेरे सेक्स को बढाने के लिए एक प्रकार का जादुई सेक्स खिलौना निकला जिसने मेरे सेक्स मे जादू कर दिया है \| इस सेक्स खिलोने के उपयोग से मेरे सेक्स का समय दो गुणा हो गया है और मैं अब तेजी से सेक्स करता हु और मेरे साथी को सेक्स से संतुष्टि प्रदान कराता हु |
राजिव जैन
Reviewed: 2019-06-24
मैंने इसको कंडोम के जैसा ही माना था लेकिन ये तो मेरे लिए हस्त मैथुन का बहुत ही शानदार और आनंद देने वाला सेक्स खिलौना निकला जिससे मैं अब हस्त मैथुन से ही सेक्स क्रिया करता हु और सेक्स लाइफ का आनंद लेता हु | ये मेरे लिंग पर बिलकुल सटीक आया है | इसकी लम्बाई और मोटाई मेरे लिंग की जितनी ही है |
दिलीप माहवार
Reviewed: 2019-05-07
ये बहूत ही अच्छे मटेरियल से बना है और बहूत ही सॉफ्ट है | ये मेरे लिंग पर बिलकुल सटीक बैठा है | इसको पहनने के बाद हस्तमैथुन करने से मेरी सेक्स पॉवर बढ़ गई है और मे बहूत देर तक हस्तमैथुन का आनंद लेता हूँ |
Reviewed: 2019-04-24
हस्तमेथून के लिए एक प्रकार से नया सेक्स उत्पन्न करने वाला ये सेक्स खिलौना मुझे बहूत पसंद है | इसमें जो बिंदु बने हुए है ये मुझे बहूत ज्यादा सेक्स का आनंद देते है और ये बिलकुल ही नरम है इससे किसी भी प्रकार को कोई प्रभाव मेरे लिंग पर नहीं पड़ा है | और ये रबड़ का बना होता है जो हमारे लिंग पर बिलकुल फिट आता है और सेक्स का समय भी बढाता है |
पिंटू कुमार
Reviewed: 2019-04-12
ये सेक्स खिलौना मेरे लिंग से बहूत ही छोटा है | मैंने इसका साइज़ देख कर नहीं करीदा था | हलाकि ये मेरे लिंग पर फिट आया है | इसने मेरे लिंग को बिलकुल ही टाइट बना दिया है | और मैं काफी हद तक हस्तमैथुन का मजा लेता हूँ |
Reviewed: 2019-03-06
Precious stone supporter it's a genuine supporter to empower our fervor since its structure is astounding extremely it a pleasurable astonishment present for the individuals who need feel more sex and energy while amid the season of sex and its stick type plan and specked are help to feel more fulfillment in correlation of typical sort of sex so I recommend to use for everybody individuals who need feel more sex with these toys. We can say it is utilized for additional fun and happiness.